Configuration overview

This section provides information on how to apply the F5 AI Gateway settings using a YAML configuration file.

For more details on the configuration file structure, see the Configuration file_ documentation.

Applying a Configuration

Configuration for aigw.yaml is managed through a Kubernetes ConfigMap. The F5 AI Gateway Helm chart can create and manage this ConfigMap or use an existing self-managed ConfigMap within the cluster.

Helm Chart-Managed ConfigMap

To use a Helm chart-managed ConfigMap, configure it when installing or upgrading the Helm chart.

Using an existing aigw.yaml file with the Helm CLI

Provide the contents of the aigw.yaml file using the --set-file argument:

helm upgrade ... --set-file config.contents="path/to/aigw.yaml"

Using values.yaml

Specify the contents of the aigw.yaml file in values.yaml:

  contents: |
    version: 1

      address: :4141

Self-managed manual ConfigMap

Create a Kubernetes ConfigMap in the same namespace as the F5 AI Gateway Helm chart deployment. Ensure the ConfigMap has a key aigw.yaml in data, containing a valid YAML configuration.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: my-self-managed-configmap
  namespace: ai-gateway
  aigw.yaml: |
    version: 1

      address: :4141

Configuring Helm Chart for self-managed ConfigMap.

Using values.yaml

  create: false  # Disable default ConfigMap creation

  name: my-self-managed-configmap  # Name of the self-managed secret

Using CLI Arguments

helm upgrade ... --set config.create=false --set"my-self-managed-configmap"