Install with Helm¶
This guide provides step-by-step instructions to install F5 AI Gateway on a Kubernetes cluster using Helm.
For security, never expose AI Gateway directly on the internet. Instead, use the NGINX Ingress Controller or another similar reverse proxy in front of the AI Gateway. See the Expose with NGINX Ingress Controller guide.
About Helm¶
Helm charts are pre-configured packages of Kubernetes resources deployed with a single command, which allow you to define, install, and upgrade Kubernetes applications.
They are composed of a set of files that describe a related group of Kubernetes resources, including deployments, services, and ingress. Helm charts can define and manage dependencies between various applications, allowing for the development of complex, multi-tier applications.
Before you begin¶
To install AI Gateway using a Helm chart, you need:
Requirements |
Notes |
Kubernetes 1.25.0 or later (linux/amd64 or linux/arm64) |
Ensure your client can access the Kubernetes API server. |
kubectl |
Helm 3.10.0 or later |
Install the chart¶
Note: Throughout the installation instructions, we will use the ai-gateway
namespace for creating AI Gateway-related
resources and installing the helm chart.
Create ai-gateway namespace¶
kubectl create ns ai-gateway
Create a private registry and license secrets¶
You must create a secret to pull the AI Gateway images from the F5 private registry. Additionally, as AI Gateway requires a license to run, you must create a secret with your license.
Get your license JWT.
Create a Kubernetes
secret type on the cluster in theai-gateway
namespace, using the contents of the JWT token as the username andnone
for password (as the password is not used). The name of the docker server
.kubectl -n ai-gateway create secret docker-registry f5-registry-secret --docker-username=<JWT Token> --docker-password=none
It is important that the
--docker-username=<JWT Token>
contains the contents of the token and is not pointing to the token itself. When you copy the contents of the JWT token, ensure there are no additional characters such as extra whitespaces. This can invalidate the token, causing 401 errors when trying to authenticate to the registry.Inspect and verify the details of the created secret by running:
kubectl get secret f5-registry-secret -n ai-gateway --output=yaml
Similarly to step 2, create a secret with the license using the same JWT token:
kubectl -n ai-gateway create secret generic f5-license --from-literal=token=<JWT Token>
Install the chart from the OCI registry¶
Login into the Helm chart repository with the JWT token used in the previous step.
helm registry login -u <JWT Token> -p none
To install the latest stable release of AI Gateway from the OCI registry in the
namespace, run the following command, specifying the registry and license secrets:
helm install aigw oci:// -n ai-gateway --set "imagePullSecrets[0].name=f5-registry-secret"
The parameter aigw
specifies the release name, and can be changed to any name
you prefer. This name is added as a prefix to the deployments name.
To wait for the deployment to be ready, you can either add the --wait
flag to the
command, or run the following command:
kubectl wait --timeout=5m -n ai-gateway deployment/aigw --for=condition=Available
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the AI Gateway chart and their default values.
Key |
Type |
Default |
Description |
aigw.affinity |
object |
Affinity rules for the aigw pods |
aigw.annotations |
object |
Annotations for the aigw pods |
aigw.containerSecurityContext |
object |
Security context for the aigw pods |
aigw.enabled |
bool |
Enable the core (aigw) application |
aigw.env |
list |
Configure additional environment variables for the aigw deployment |
aigw.exporter.enabled |
bool |
Enable audit exporter |
aigw.exporter.maxPendingTransactions |
int |
Sets the maximum number of pending transactions. If the limit is reached, new transactions are not exported (the data is lost) until the pending transaction count drops below the limit |
aigw.exporter.s3Bucket |
string |
Name of S3 bucket to export to |
aigw.exporter.s3UsePathStyle |
bool |
Enables the path-style addressing. AWS S3 doesn’t need it but some S3-compatible stores might require it. Read more on AWS docs |
aigw.exporter.s3UploadTimeout |
string |
Timeout for uploading a single transaction to S3 |
aigw.exporter.type |
string |
Type of exporter (stdout, s3) |
aigw.exporter.workers |
int |
Number of workers for the exporter |
aigw.healthServer.port |
int |
Configure the port of the health server |
aigw.image.pullPolicy |
string |
aigw.image.repository |
string |
Repository for the aigw image |
aigw.image.tag |
string |
Version tag for the aigw image |
aigw.nodeSelector |
object |
Node selector for scheduling the aigw pods |
aigw.replicas |
int |
Number of replicas for the aigw deployment |
aigw.resources |
object |
Resource requests and limits for the aigw container |
aigw.securityContext |
object |
Security context for the aigw deployment |
aigw.service.annotations |
object |
Annotations for the service |
aigw.service.enabled |
bool |
Enable the service |
aigw.service.port |
int |
Port for the service |
aigw.service.type |
string |
Type of services for the service |
aigw.tls.enabled |
bool |
Enable serving HTTPS for the aigw deployment |
aigw.tls.secretName |
string |
Name of the secret that contains the TLS data |
aigw.tolerations |
list |
Tolerations for the aigw pods |
aigw.volumeMounts |
list |
Additional volume mounts for the aigw deployment |
aigw.volumes |
list |
Additional volumes for the aigw deployment |
config.contents |
string |
The contents of an aigw.yaml configuration file |
config.create |
bool |
Enable creation of the AI Gateway | |
string |
Name of ConfigMap to use |
imagePullSecrets |
list |
Array of imagePullSecrets for pulling images from private registries |
license.secretKey |
string |
Key of the secret which contains the license data |
license.secretName |
string |
Name of the secret that contains the license data |
metrics.endpoint |
string |
OpenTelemetry GRPC endpoint to export metrics to. |
processors.f5.containerSecurityContext |
object |
Security context for the aigw-processors-f5 pods |
processors.f5.enabled |
bool |
Enable the F5 processors (aigw-processors-f5) application |
processors.f5.env |
list |
Configure additional environment variables for the aigw-processors-f5 deployment |
processors.f5.gpu.enabled |
bool |
Enable GPU usage for supported processors in the aigw-processors-f5 deployment. Should be used along with setting a request for |
processors.f5.image.pullPolicy |
string |
processors.f5.image.repository |
string |
Repository for the aigw-processors-f5 image |
processors.f5.image.tag |
string |
Version tag for the aigw-processors-f5 image |
processors.f5.replicas |
int |
Number of replicas for the aigw-processors-f5 deployment |
processors.f5.resources |
object |
Resource requests and limits for the aigw-processors-f5 container |
processors.f5.securityContext |
object |
Security context for the aigw-processors-f5 deployment |
processors.f5.service.annotations |
object |
Annotations for the service |
processors.f5.service.enabled |
bool |
Enable the service |
processors.f5.service.port |
int |
Port for the service |
processors.f5.service.type |
string |
Type of services for the service |
processors.f5.tls.enabled |
bool |
Enable serving HTTPS for the aigw-processors-f5 deployment |
processors.f5.tls.secretName |
string |
Name of the secret that contains the TLS data |
processors.f5.volumeMounts |
list |
Additional volume mounts for the aigw-processors-f5 deployment |
processors.f5.volumes |
list |
Additional volumes for the aigw-processors-f5 deployment |
serviceAccount.annotations |
object |
Annotations for the AI Gateway service account |
serviceAccount.create |
bool |
Enable creation of the AI Gateway service account | |
string |
Service account name to be used |
tracing.endpoint |
string |
OpenTelemetry GRPC endpoint to export traces to. |
GPU support configuration¶
Some processors benefit from improved performance when deployed with access to a GPU. More information is available in the processor GPU support section.
Upgrade the chart¶
Upgrade the chart from the OCI registry¶
To upgrade the release aigw
, run:
helm upgrade aigw oci:// -n ai-gateway
If you have used a different release name, replace aigw
with the name you used.
This will upgrade to the latest stable release.
Uninstall the chart¶
To uninstall and delete the release aigw
, run:
helm uninstall aigw -n ai-gateway
kubectl delete ns ai-gateway
These commands will delete all resources associated with the release, including the namespace. Ensure you have backed up any data you want to keep before running.